This week we had a group discussion earlier in the week , and we connected our story to the world, ourselves, and to another movie. We have found out that our story actually has many connections to the rest of the things in the world. Many people have power and are able to cause pain to others in the environment of their world, but sometimes people are not aware just how much damage they can do to other people, because they are doing it for another goal. In Lord of the flies, a surprising event happened and I was blown away from these little kids' actions. They were reinacting the fight where Jack and Ralph fought a real boar, with a littlun named Robert. They were literally blinded by the feeling of overpowering another that they almost beat the little kid to death. Eventually Ralph and Jack split up into 2 groups and they tried to kill each other near the end, which is mind blowing because they are just little kids, but because of human nature they have already have the sense to kill another person. They knew they had the ability too. This story taught us that no matter where you are, who you are with, you will eventually have some kind of conflict with the other group, and nobody knows how far you guys can take it.
On Thursday we just spent the whole class watching the Black and White version of Lord of the Flies, I like how closely the story matches up with the movie, but the acting was a little bad... I cause its okay because they are not that old yet so they probably weren't professional.