Monday, April 11, 2011

April 8 Journal Entry

This week we had a group discussion earlier in the week , and we connected our story to the world, ourselves, and to another movie. We have found out that our story actually has many connections to the rest of the things in the world. Many people have power and are able to cause pain to others in the environment of their world, but sometimes people are not aware just how much damage they can do to other people, because they are doing it for another goal. In Lord of the flies, a surprising event happened and I was blown away from these little kids' actions. They were reinacting the fight where Jack and Ralph fought a real boar, with a littlun named Robert. They were literally blinded by the feeling of overpowering another that they almost beat the little kid to death. Eventually Ralph and Jack split up into 2 groups and they tried to kill each other near the end, which is mind blowing because they are just little kids, but because of human nature they have already have the sense to kill another person. They knew they had the ability too. This story taught us that no matter where you are, who you are with, you will eventually have some kind of conflict with the other group, and nobody knows how far you guys can take it.

On Thursday we just spent the whole class watching the Black and White version of Lord of the Flies, I like how closely the story matches up with the movie, but the acting was a little bad... I cause its okay because they are not that old yet so they probably weren't professional.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Journal Week 3

This week our group had a discussion on the book "Lord of the Flies" once again. Most of us have gotten up to at least chapter 5/6, and the story is starting off slow. It is still kind of the same old stuff. The kids are left in a deserted island, and they are to coordinate and so to survive. Their basic plan was to keep a fire/smoke going on the top of the mountain in case some nearby ship comes by and rescue them, hunt pigs to survive, have a cook to cook the food, and some of them are also trying to avoid the supposedly "beast" that is mysteriously on the island lurking at them. Conflict was heavily discussed in our group because the kids on the island are starting to have arguments about the things they are doing. Conflicts always happen even in the real world, I could see that happening more in younger people, and the results of a conflict could lead to negative things because arguments tend to make people mad and do stupid things.

Group discussion this week was pretty decent. All group members contributed evenly and mostly tolerating, but we sometimes would sidetrack , but thats minimal. I hope I can better opinions in the future because I think my ideas are just on the first layer, would have to work on getting into that second layer that we learned about earlier this year.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Summative Assignment for Novel

Definition of Conflict :

The word I chose to discuss about is "Conflict"
Conflict is usually some sort of tension or disagreement between two parties.
Comes from disagreement or difference of opinion , followed by negative emotions between the two parties.

Both parties will think that their solution is the best choice, but only one can be exercised. Therefore leading to a debate or argument of some sort and that is what conflict is.

A difference of interest and the disagreement following that.
Conflict usually leads to inefficient using of time, therefore making the task at hand unproductive. Slowing down the progress of the task will bring out negative emotions such as frustration and anger.

If the conflict is not quickly resolved, it could even bring the whole task to failure. Which makes the parties go back to square one again. Which was not the purpose of either parties.

Even if the conflict is resolved, both parties might still carry hard feelings and might not be as friendly towards each other afterwards.

Connection with Story
The group of kids have had no experience in surviving in the wild. Kids are still kids, they were in the range of 12 years old. In our society nowadays a 12 year old could not possibly look after themselves in the wild. But luckily for this group of kids, they've got each other. They had gave everybody a job to do on the island, but of course, some would slack off , others would work hard. Their whole idea was to survive killing pigs on the island, keeping a fire going so if ships come by they can come and rescue them, and build shelter and such to keep themselves warm at night. Argument is obviously unavoidable in a group of people. Everybody is different so they would always have a different opinion. Even adults have arguments and couldn't agree on things the simple way, that why we have all these political parties and governments and such. I have a feeling this group of kid will learn how to work together in the end, and cooperate and tolerate each other in the future. Making their survival much easier and they will become more experienced. Conflict will always bring you to the other parties' point of view, although you might not agree with them and think your idea is the best, different opinion is what makes us learn and grow.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Movie Analysis (Summative)

Plot Summary:
The movie we chose is called The Road and it’s about a father and son trying to survive in a destroyed world. What happened is that an unspecified destruction had destroyed civilization, killed most animals and plants, and blocked out the sun. They are trying to survive not dying of hunger and not freezing to death as well. What they try to do is they try to go south hoping that it’s warmer and they find shelter. While on their travels, food, and temporary shelter is scarce plus they meet other survivors as well, which isn’t a good thing. The thing is most of these survivors are willing to do anything to survive and this includes cannibalism. So they meet bands of cannibals throughout the movie and they have many close calls and see people get eaten or killed.

First Layer of the Movie is the feeling of the atmosphere that the entire films gives you. It was gloomy, dark, no sun etc... They explained why everything happened this way throughout the movie. There was cannibalism and a constant awareness of danger presented throughout the movie by the father and the song. They could be in danger any moment and that brings a creepy feeling.

Second layer of the movie is about when in desperate situations, human would do what human does best. Survive. Without society, education of humanity, houses, basically everything that was invented. We would just down to simple mammals who only cares about eating, sleeping, and surviving. Some might think that the cannibal group might be heartless and brutal, but do they want to do it? Do they want to go as low as other human to survive? Im sure not. Maybe they even know that what they are doing is against everything that we were brought up to believe and abide by. But this is what we are, you either survive by any means necessary and live longer, or you die. This movie did a great job of telling us where we human came from, and how much we have evolved and where we stand now.

The filmmaker is able to convey evil and darkness through the setting being in a dark gloomy place that is dead. As seen in the movie, animals and plants are dead and freezing temperatures and snow is shown which we know as snow and dead trees as a creepy setting.

Everybody might think of darkness as a bad thing, we should all avoid it and escape from it, I am not saying you shouldn't. But if you look at it from another angle, darkness tells us what we as human are weak against, we can see people's true faces, and it actually clarifies things. It can tell us what we need, what we want, and what we should avoid.

Darkness actually comes from light, the righteousness, and good intentions. In the movie I am Legend, the doctor wanted to cure cancer, to make people survive and live longer, but it turned out to be a disaster. This is why most movies, we get to see the villains' good sides until they turn evil, in the end.

Going to harm another person and get up in their business is a sign of darkness. Power, ambition, and desire, all are characteristics a character must bear if they represent darkness.

We think most people in the world would try to put themselves forward in order to gain something. In this case, people went to great depths as to kill other people to take their valuables and eat their corpses. We believe if the world were in that situation, being realistic some people might be driven insane enough to go to those depths, but I’m not saying everyone would. People would end up dying from starvation since there wouldn’t be any food and they wouldn’t think of cannibalism and other people would just commit suicide. The fact is, the people that are still alive would be cannibals as they would be alive because they ate other people and in this world…well it would just be filled with darkness wouldn’t it?

Monday, January 24, 2011

where is your movie analysis

where is your movie analysis????
You said it was on the blog. I will check the class one as well.

Mrs. C